cover of the book Living With Hypospadias

The Story Behind Living With Hypospadias

Why is one of the world’s most common birth defects affecting male babies rarely spoken about?

Hypospadias, a congenital urological birth defect, is estimated to affect 1 in 200 male births in the United States.

Along with its physical challenges are the emotional issues it presents such as anxiety, shame and depression — which are often the result of stigma.

Written by a man born with severe hypospadias, Living With Hypospadias features first-hand accounts from men as well as insights from medical professionals in the field.

If you’re someone affected by hypospadias — or even a medical professional — Living With Hypospadias will humanize this condition and the emotional issues that come with it.


Living With Hypospadias is available right from this website! Just click the link to the right and buy it directly.
It is also available on Amazon, in paperback and in a Kindle edition. The book is can also be found on your favorite bookseller’s website in print and eBook versions, as well as an eBook via Apple iBooks.


Podcast Series

Hypospadias Conversations

Co-hosted by John Filippelli and Bonnie Steinberg, Hypospadias Conversations provides real talk directly from those affected by hypospadias. We hope our stories help in alleviating the isolation that many men and their families feel about this common condition.

Recent Episodes

What People Are Saying

Living With Hypospadias has taken a difficult topic and done a terrific job in addressing these issues for all of us who have suffered so much over the years. The book masterfully blends the medical and the psychological strands, and the personal comments add a huge amount for the reader. This book, Living With Hypospadias, has unlocked a door for so many of us.”


Living with Hypospadias is insightful and very powerful — a wonderful resource for anyone who wants to better understand themselves or others affected by this condition. It was a pleasure to read. Highly recommended!”

—Dr. A.

“For anyone who thinks they are all alone, and that no-one else knows what they are feeling because of an illness they have… to learn that you aren’t alone, that there are others out there like you is a Godsend. The honesty of the stories that are shared… all I can say is thank you to those who contributed to this book.”


5 out of 5 stars

Brilliant and much needed publication!

“This book is informative and thought provoking. It provides answers to a lot of questions for both parents and patients as well as brings up questions one might not have thought to ask otherwise. Absolutely brilliant source of emotional support and knowledge. The author’s life long experience of the condition and vast research gives you excellent insight to what living with hypospadias really is like.”

—N.D., Amazon customer, United Kingdom

5 out of 5 stars

The best book about hypospadias people

“A very good book about hypospadias, clearly wrote, from a personal perspective. No other book exists like that. I recommend it to all the people affected by hypospadias, friends and families. It is easy to read and full of good information.”

—D., Amazon customer, Spain

5 out of 5 stars

Personal emotional experience and medical history combined in a most moving and helpful account

“Written both from the point of view of a man living with hypospadias and a manual for other men living with hypospadias, this book serves to educate, inform, and explain how it is possible to live with this “variation on the normal” and be happy with it. A vital piece of reading for all teenagers and men with hypospadias who feel isolated. (And those who don’t!)”

—R.B., Amazon customer, United Kingdom

5 out of 5 stars


“Purchased this book as a mother of a son born with hypospadias. This was such a breath of fresh air! More helpful and insightful than doctors and medical teams all around. Such a great book. Helped me as a parent and I also got my son to read it! Recommend a 1000 times.”

—Ashley C., Amazon Customer

Wonderfully written

“Wonderful guide for patients, parents and medical community. Well written and addresses bio-psycho-social aspects of care and needs.”

—L.V. Clinical Social Worker

5 out of 5 stars

Insightful and informative.

“The author using his own experience to guide the reader through a discussion of a common but widely unknown birth defect. Not only the physical effects but also the emotional and mental challenges men with it suffer.”

—M.D., Amazon Customer

5 out of 5 stars

An excellent read!

“This book is very helpful for families dealing with a child born with hypospadias. It explained in full detail the different stages of hypospadias and how it affects the child both physically and emotionally throughout their lifetime. The personal stories, especially from the author himself, showed the impact it has on families dealing with hypospadias. Outstanding book!”

Amazon Customer

“I’ve never read anything so in-depth about hypospadias before, especially with [such] honest quotes from doctors and people with hypospadias. This book has helped me come to terms with a lot of my built up emotions as for a long time I felt my emotions were not justified. Living With Hypospadias will definitely help a lot of parents too. My parents just started reading through the book and wished this sort of information was available when I was born. Thank you for help raising awareness and supporting others.”


“A great resource for men and parents of boys with hypospadias, their families, and doctors. The interviews and commentaries are insightful and informative. The included resources for help and guidance are a great addition that are sure to help many readers with their questions and concerns.”


A truly candid personal look into the author’s world. Excellent.

“Frank, honest and revealing. A great read.”

—Dr. B.

Content on the Living With Hypospadias website including the Hypospadias Conversations podcasts and blogs are intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice or treatment. If you have concerns or questions about your health or that of your child, please consult a physician.